Aware of the impact that the fashion industry has on our society and our environment; JmakxParis wishes to contribute, on its own scale as a young creator, to instilling strong values ​​within its brand.
    Taking environmental and societal issues to heart, JmakxParis wishes to integrate CSR practices and consider sustainable issues as a priority throughout its activity, for more responsible and sustainable fashion.
    This is why we are committed to the circular economy, sustainable production and diversity.


    By only releasing 2 collections per year, JmakxParis has chosen sustainable production in order to limit its ecological impact produced by the use of synthetic materials. The objective for the brand would be to reduce the use of these materials and move towards innovative alternative materials.
    At Jmakxparis, we recycle fabric scraps and ends of rolls by reusing them to create new clothes and accessories.
    These measures not only limit fabric loss but also maximize the use of materials.

“I want my brand to reflect French society of men and women who are different but who share the same human and social values”

-Alvin Junior Mak


    Due to its dual French and Congolese culture, Alvin Junior Mak makes it a point of honor that diversity has a prominent place within its brand. This is why we highlight values ​​such as meritocracy and inclusion.


    With suppliers located in France or Europe, the brand wishes to develop transparency regarding the origin of the materials used and the origin of the raw materials during its marketing and beyond.

    Communicating openly and honestly about our business and how clothes are made is essential to establishing meaningful relationships with our colleagues, customers, etc.